Country I would like to visit

 Hello there! Today I want to tell you about a country that I use to be in love since I was a kid, I’m talking about China!

As a kid I use to watch a T.V show that I don’t exactly remember the name, but it was something like a survivor reality, the thing is that two of all the competitors won a challenge and the price was a trip to China, the next thing that I remember is the T.V exploiting with the cultural information about this new country for me, the pictures, people, foods, clothes, music, it was all new on my mind, that made me fall in love with the culture.

About now, I like so much the history behind China, the stories and the way of the art is made, like Chinese calligraphy made by hand with ink, it just amazing, and some of the water colors are just beautiful. I really appreciate the culture and art, is amazing.

If some day I visit the country, I would like to the see and walk across the Chinese Wall, it seems to be long, but I thing it’s worth the way. Other thing that I would like to do is eating and tasting new flavors, because I saw so many crazy stuff they put on the food, like some dry bugs, mhhh… now that I think about it, I don’t know if I wanna try those weirds flavors, but also I saw dishes which they delicious, I don’t know the names of the food, but sure the taste as they look.

There is something I struggle with and is the lenguaje, I don’t know nothing about it, I don’t even know how to say “Hi”, I use to know how to, but now I forget, so I would have to learn maybe the basics sentences, I don’t want to get lost!

And last this I want to tell about China is that I really look at the country like a dream world, is just fantastic. All of the things that are on China look like they coming from another planet, maybe I’m exaggerating but I still dreaming about the country like I was a kid.

Thanks for reading. Bye!


  1. Omg I love the way you expressed your interest for China. I'm sure the view from the Chinese wall it's worth all that walk. I've watched a few chinese series and for what I saw, their traditional food it's definitely not for me.


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