Changes to my study program

 Hi everyone, it’s me Benjamin and today I have this topic about changes I would like to do to my study program at my university. 

So you may know that I'm studying design at the university of Chile since 2020, this means that the very first years of the carrier was difficult to myself because I started to study when we where going through pandemic, so my first year was completely online, and It wasn’t very comfortable to me and my classmates, I didn't have the facilities like a modern computer or good wifi because there is poor service where I live, those where the main problems that I have studying at that time. 

Nowadays I have other things that I would like to change to my study program, because now I'm going to the University in person. And I don’t think the transversal is a very helpful subject because there is not a stable knowledge to learn in class, and isn’t very practical going to a far place just to write a logbook and do a short but important project, and it’s no fair to put us in pressure just to do a project that don’t  benefit us at all.

That was my opinion about todays topic, I hope you have enjoyed the reading, because it’s important to tell our experiences and different points of view. See you at the next class, bye bye.
